Our story doesn’t start with “Once upon a time”..

That’s how it ends!

Our story starts from this moment..

starts with “It’s time..”!

Our children have been hijacked

by a world that has made them behave like docile, one-dimensional machines.

It stripped them of their natural curiosity to learn,

and resulted in the crushing of their spirit, their ambitions and their creative instincts.


Science, arts, mathematics, linguistics, engineering, nature, chemistry..

Have all become worn stacks of books that do not fascinate today’s generations..

So why not let these providing a wonderful path

for exploration and discovery of what’s around us..

and acquire, along with knowledge and skills,

good values and valuable lessons that enhance their understanding of life..

and equips them to face its challenges with an open, creative mind..

In My Sky our story started with

It’s time” to touch the sky,

and will end one day with: “One upon a time”

there were children with scattered goals and ambitions,

with limited creativity and expression..

Once upon a time”

our children were plagued by idleness, frustration, and purposelessness..

Once upon a time”

our children were suffering from boredom, emptiness, and a lack of direction..

Once upon a time”…

That was the past..

Because our children are the makings of leaders!

Fuelled by their values and determination,

to lead those around them to touch the sky..